Commercial General Liability Insurance Calgary

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Calgary CGL Insurance

Running a business in a busy city like Calgary isn’t an easy feat. You need to put in a lot of effort to make your business thrive in a competitive environment. While you can plan everything, an unforeseen event can ruin all your plans.

An accident that results in a lawsuit from damage or injury might stop you in your tracks. Not only does this cause unwanted hassles, but it also could cause a dent in your finances, hindering your business operations.

That could be prevented if you have business liability insurance. At EasyCover, we help you find the best Calgary commercial general liability insurance (CGL) insurance policy for your business. EasyCover is an online portal that specializes in different types of commercial insurance.

Our goal is to protect businesses from unwanted expenses and fees. And our website has all the information to help you make a decision. No need to speak to an insurance broker, you have all you need here. But if you need to consult a professional, we’re happy to help.

Protect your business today. Call now for a free quote on Commercial general liability insurance in Calgary from EasyCover!


What is Commercial General Liability Insurance?

Known as business liability insurance, this type of insurance covers legal fees and medical expenses for third-party claims of injury or property damage. The injury could be caused by you, your employees, or any accidents that happen on your business property. Similarly, damage can be caused by anyone on your property or within the premises. This insurance helps you avoid paying expensive costs in case of any unforeseen events.



Who Needs CGL Insurance in Calgary?

Commercial general liability insurance isn’t for a specific industry. All Calgary business owners in all sectors benefit from this type of commercial insurance. You may need to get CGL if you:

  • You conduct business on behalf of your clients.
  • You are frequently in personal contact with customers.
  • Your business property is owned or leased.


Why Commercial General Liability Insurance is Important in Calgary?

By common law in Canada, you are responsible for any harm your business causes, accidental or intentional, under the duty of care. At times, the accidental damage is severe, resulting in an expensive lawsuit.

For example, if your employee forgets to put a disclaimer that the floor is wet, a fall might cause an injury. Another employee might accidentally damage a client’s property on a job like fixing plumbing or doing landscaping. In both cases, the person affected can hold you liable by law.

Regardless of the verdict, a lawsuit is costly due to legal expenses. And if the claim is successful, you will have to pay to settle it. Having insurance to pay for legal fees and claim settlement protects your business from losing the money you could spend on business growth.


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What Does Commercial General Liability Insurance in Calgary Cover?


Bodily injury

If your business directly causes an injury to anyone, and they file a lawsuit, this coverage pays for the legal and medical fees. For example, a customer might trip on an even step on your property and get an injury. In that case, the bodily injury coverage pays for medical and legal expenses, including hospital bills and lost income.

Property Damage

This covers third-party property damage that happens in your premises, or at a client’s home or office. For example, your employee might be doing a painting job for your clients, and they accidentally spill paint on the floor. If the property owner decides to sue you, this coverage pays the legal fees.

Product Liability Insurance

This insurance covers you if your product or service causes injury to your customer or damage to their property. For example, if you sell a faulty lawn mower, it might injure your client. Or if you offer landscaping services, you or your employee might accidentally cause damage to the client’s property. Product liability insurance pays for legal and medical fees in that case.

Personal and Advertising Injury Liability

This insurance covers you if a third party accuses you of non-physical harm, like slander, libel, false arrest, malicious prosecution, wrongful eviction, violation of privacy rights, copyright infringement, or other forms of non-physical harm or damage to their reputation or business.

Tenant’s Legal Liability

If you’re leasing your business property, you need tenant insurance to protect you from the risk of damage to the property. Accidental damage could happen because of negligence or unexpected events, like fire or water damage. Some landlords add this insurance as a requirement before you rent the property.

Get the coverage you need for your business. Call now and get a free quote on Commercial general liability insurance in Calgary from Easy Cover!


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What Are Other Types of Insurance Calgary Businesses Need?


Commercial Auto Insurance

This insurance is for you if your business operations include using vehicles by you or your employees. For example, a landscaping service provider may use vehicles to transport employees to and from the job location. If you own five or more vehicle for business purposes, you will require fleet insurance.

Commercial Property Insurance

If you own your business property, this insurance covers the costs to repair damage to the property, its content, and physical assets if the damage comes from an external factor, like a storm, fire, or flood.

Cyber Liability Insurance

Cybercriminal activity is rapidly increasing as of late and can result in considerable financial loss. This insurance protects your business against cyberattacks that result in data breaches, computer hacks, and other cyber risks. Cyber liability insurance comes in different forms.

Professional Liability Insurance

Known as errors and omissions insurance, this insurance helps you recover from a claim made by a client that you gave bad advice that led them to money loss.

Directors and Officers Liability Insurance

If you run a company with a board of directors or if you’re a member of a board of directors in a company, D&O insurance helps protect you from financial liability if a decision made by the board results in a lawsuit.

Equipment Breakdown Insurance

Damaged equipment can become an obstacle in running your operations. While property insurance covers the cost of repairing damage from some external factors, you need more protection if there’s electrical damage or in case your equipment fails. This insurance pays for the repair or replacement costs of damaged equipment.

Employment Practices liability insurance

If an employee files a lawsuit over an issue like wrongful termination, discrimination, or harassment, you might be liable to pay a large sum for settlement. This type of commercial insurance pays for legal expenses and any damages.


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What Is Not Covered by Calgary Business Insurance?

Lawsuits related to these accusations aren’t covered by this type of Calgary commercial insurance:

  1. Intentional criminal acts
  2. Patent infringement
  3. Contractual liability

How Much Does Calgary Commercial Liability Insurance Cost?

A CGL policy with a $2 million coverage limit costs $450 per year, on average. A small business might pay as little as $300 per year. It differs from one business to another and depends on many factors.

  • Years of experience: An experienced business owner is seasoned when it comes to risk assessment and prevention. On the other hand, new businesses are at more risk of making claims to insurance companies. That’s why the number of years of business operations can increase or reduce car insurance premiums.
  • Industry you work in: Some industries are at more risk than others of needing insurance coverage. For example, roofers need more coverage and are more likely to file claims than a bookstore.
  • Annual and projected gross revenue: Companies with a big revenue pay more than small businesses with less income because the stakes are higher for them.
  • Number of employees: The fewer employees you have, the more you are prone to accidents and mishaps. That’s why a big corporation, with a large number of employees, pays more in premiums than a small business with a handful of staff members.
  • Previous insurance claims: Insurance companies consider businesses that filed previous insurance claims at a higher risk to file more claims. So, if you’ve made a previous claim, you are likely to get a higher insurance premium.


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How Do I Get Cheaper Business Liability Insurance in Calgary?

  • Shop around for different quotes from different insurance companies – Some companies offer more value for less money, and each company has its formula when calculating insurance premiums.
  • Implement risk management strategies – to be aware of the risk exposure your business has. Knowing the risks you face might help you prevent some of them. For example, you could train your employees to follow safety protocols to reduce accidents.
  • Get help from brokers who are experts in commercial insurance – EasyCover specializes in different types of commercial insurance. We know the ins and outs of the business insurance industry.
  • Try to avoid making frequent claims – For example, if your employees cause property damage that you can afford, it’s better to pay for it. Filing a claim is added to your insurance record and increases your premium rates.


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How Do I Avoid Making Calgary Commercial Liability Claims?

Tips to avoid having to file commercial insurance claims:

  • Conduct training sessions for your employees to learn safety protocols.
  • Train employees to handle client belongings with utmost care.
  • Ensure your employees apply the right instructions when using equipment.
  • Conduct training sessions for employees to teach them the best practices to protect brand image.
  • Invest in quality control to reduce the chance of getting sued for a faulty product.


Ensure your projects have adequate coverage. Call now to get a free quote for Commercial general liability insurance with Easy Cover.

FAQs: CGL Insurance in Calgary

On average, CGL insurance costs $450 per year for small to mid-sized businesses for a standard policy with a $2 million limit.

No, commercial insurance isn’t mandatory in Alberta. However, it’s beneficial for businesses to have financial protection against any unexpected lawsuits that may be costly.

Any business that sells products, interacts with customers, or offers services would benefit from business liability insurance. This applies to contractors, retailers, real estate companies, service providers, and more. Speak with one of our expert brokers to learn more about how business insurance could save your business.


Ensure your projects are covered. Call now to get a free quote for Commercial general liability insurance with EasyCover Insurance!

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